Monday, 20 December 2010


This is evidence of us completeing our questionnaire on google forms. I had never used it before but thought it would be a very efficient, succesful way of publishing it onto facebook through the means of a simple link.

There is a number of different question types to chose from, allowing you to make the correct questionnaire to suit your personal needs, such as;
multiple choice
check box
It also saves us some valuable time as we will not have to put our results into a spreadsheet and graphs ourselves, it fortunately does all this for you.

This is the final image of what our questionnaire will look like to the people viewing it on facebook.
Its very simplistic and easy to view and take in the information, allowing the audience focus to be only on the questionnaire. 

Sunday, 19 December 2010


Here you will find the link to the questionnaire we constructed on google forms.
We've shared a link on the social networking site facebook, as we discovered from our previous questionnaire - this was their (18-25) favoured way for it to be presented to them. We presumed it was for ease. 

With our collected results and like our previous questionnaire, we'll put it into a graph, so you can clearly see the results.
From this questionnaire, our main aim was to discover how our audience would like to view a noir film and if they would prefer a more modern film - neo- noir, more contemporary music ect.

    Friday, 17 December 2010


    These are the results from our questionnaires we randomly handed out to the public in the city centre formatted into a frequency table. This was only our first step in presenting the figures, we continued to create pie charts to make it much clearer visually to see our results.
    It is now far more obvious to see the majority who received this questionnaire: 18 to 25. This therefore means we were successful in handing the most out to our already suspected suitable audience, we had a feeling this age group were more likely to be around the city centre (students live and work there). Just over half of all 70 contributors were in our conceived age range.

    We became more specific here, just targeting our questions at our sample of 18 to 15 year olds, it's where we planned to discover how and where our audience would be willing to take part in market research. We decided it would be beneficial to make an effort to understand our audience and become aware what's most suitable for them. The results from our females show that around 4/5 of 18 to 25 would prefer to answer a questionnaire through the social network website, Facebook. This was suspected as its something people of that age check regularly, and would not be a inconvenience to them. 
    Unsurprisingly we discovered the same from our group of males, they favoured social networking sites (Facebook) 
    For this reason we will follow to conduct a questionnaire that we'll dispense to our audience through the means of Facebook - the most popular social network. This is the last step into discovering just what our OTS needs to deliver entertainment and satisfy our audience. 

    Tuesday, 14 December 2010


    As a group we literally sat down and thought about what audience our Film noir OTS would appeal to.
    We initially thought the age range of 18-25 would most likely be best suited, this was partly due to the age of our actors being similar, and how crime and romance is featured throughout. I believe this would appeal to them as from current knowledge this particular style would not interest a young teen audience, nor would it appeal to an older, middle age one - this is mainly because of how our film is more neo-noir and we're breaking a number of conventions.
    To ensure we are correct we're going to carry out further research such as questionnaires and interviews.
    You will find on Ellens Blog that she has gone into more depth on the classifaction of our OTS, in which we deicded was going to be a 15 - although our target audience may start at the age of 18, the certificate is not this as our film is not particularly graphic or containing inappropriate language. This website was extremely useful, and it allowed us to realise what should and should not go into our OTS considering the certificate. As you can see this is included in my important links.
    We've produced a questionnaire which we will hand out to about 100 random people in Norwich city center - we thought this was realistic as we all know the city gets so busy. The aim of this questionnaire was to discover which format our 18-25 target audience would like the questionnaire to be delivered in.
    The questionnaire is available on Meslissa's blog - you can find this under my group tab.
    You will find that the most popular format was indeed facebook! This suggests ease and quickness for them which is understandable.


    We completed this to visually display all our developed ideas. It can
    act as a guidance when we actually come to our filming! We all drew a
    number of different shots which are included in our OTS, and attempted
    to show costume, characteristics and angels. It vaguely allows us to envision
    possible shots for the final piece, and what is going to work and what isn't. 
    Beneficial piece of research.