This is a printsceen of us attempting to edit our dummy role on final cut.
From experience at GCSE, we were all only used to iMovie, and final cut was far more complex and we found it highly difficult. We tried to follow a tutorial on the apple website, however because none of us are particularly familiar with macs and this program, we did in fact find it too difficult. We had troubles with even the simpilest of things such as; uploading our footage. We even discovered that our teacher was also experiencing issues with using the program.
Due to time contraints, and being realistic we thought it would be wise to stick with iMovie - something we were more than capable of using. We still believe our final piece will look of high quality, and will allow us to use a variety of effects. The only downfall we face is that there is a particular clip we need to crop due to a cluttered background ruining the mise-en-scene, we're hoping we'll be able to figure out how to do this on final cut for the purpose of just this clip.
Although final cut is more diverse we're happy to use iMovie, and will hopefully have more time in the future to try and discover how it works.
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