Friday, 19 November 2010


The task had to include;
Filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whoem she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180/degree rule.
This was so were able to experiment with the camera, show our possibly already acquired skills. Most of the things which needed to incorporated into this film I thought I was more than capable of handling, so I therefore felt as though I could guide those in my group who had never done media before.
It is clear to see we obey by the 180degree rule, theres never one point
the camera passes over the imaginary axis, this is called crossing the line. The characters always have the same left/right relationship to each other. Including the match on action involved more skill slightly, however as a group we manages to achieve it efficiently. You firstly see a shot  of the young girl opening the door - close up of hand on door handle - this is then disturbed by a shot of another young women appearing shocked and in some discomfort. Following this shot you see the girl enter through the door we have previously seen her begin to open - successful match on action shot. 

Our final compulsory shot was, shot reverse shot. This is simply where one character is shown looking at another character usually off screen, and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character - because we cannot see both characters, we assume they're looking at one another. This is shown throughout their conversation once they're both sitting down. We wanted to make it slightly more complex so we included eye tracking; the process of measuring either the point of gaze or the motion of an eye. So not only do we have a shot reverse shot, in the midst of it we include one character giving the other female 'the once over' - it creates tension. 

Later on in the short film we wanted to demonstrate our ability, so we included an added on flashback. 
It includes tracking of the male and female, two shots, over the shoulder shots, high and low angels and dramatic close ups. We even continued to show our editing skills by including slow motion and fading out of the character towards the end. The whole film was edited to be in black and white, our intention was to make our continuity task follow a noir storyline so we thought this would be appropriate. We even went to the measures of letterboxing all our clips in order to give it that 'movie style'. All editing remained fairly simplistic.
Different shots have a particular purpose, specified to affect the audience in a particular way. For example, the over the shoulder shot when we witness the male attacking the female and shaking her vigorously, we see it more or less from the perspective of the male. It emphasises her entrapment, as the hands on her shoulders are a main focus of the shot, and extremely visible - he is controlling and over powering her - we feel as though we're also over powering her as we vividly see her fearful expression from the males angle.
01.00 - another shot which explicitly shows the males power, the focal point being his arms which cross the  entire shot. It's deceiving, as the way this scene is shot, it looks as though he's applying great force, it also emphasises his authority. 

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