Monday, 10 January 2011


After broadcasting our questionnaire onto the social networking site Facebook, we recieved a vast amount of replies from our chosen target audience; 18-25.
We discovered - as presumed- that this age range would prefer a modern take on the classic film noir, resulting a neo-noir. We noe need to develop ideas and ways in which we can break the conventions to make something creative, complex and grabbing for our young viewers, which we had already discussed in our concept board.
   We then asked the question of what genre appeals to them, the most poular being romance followed by action. This confirms our dramatic plot based on the yearning love two people have for eachother will hook our viewers. (The OTS only revealing hints about the events and issues torise in the whole film. We thought it was important to have an idea of the storyline for the whole film in order to produce the best OTS)
   We also discovered which institution we would disperse our film through, which is going to one found online. We plan to make the film available for free, knowing the struggle for young adults, students ect. possessing a disposable income in which they can afford to visit the cinema - possibly seen as a luxury. As our results show, our audience only visits the cinema once or twice every few months. We therefore plan to recieve an income/profit through advertising. Furthermore we realised if we were to release this as a film featured in cinemas and continue to produce it on DVD, the majority of the people we questioned were unlikely to even purchase it, making it seem somewhat pointless and ineffective.
   When asking which institution and method in which they would like to access this film we got mixed results between sent through a social networking site and a video sharing site. Our last question was whether our audience would enjoy slightly modernise music or prefer to stay classic and traditional. As forecasted, our target market being younger opted for the more contemporary music. 

This was our final piece of market research and we're now using this as our framework to produce a brilliant film noir OTS, perfectly suited for our particular audience. 

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